YOUTH: Blast
Q: What can Young People do on a Friday Night?
A:Have a Blast! + Friday Night Youth @ Bethesda
BLAST! Youth Night...For School Years 5 to 8, from 5.45pm to 7.15pm: a combination of Games, Crafts and Sports, this is great fun for lively youngsters!
FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH: For School Years 8-11 from 7.30pm to 9.00pm: Being young is hard today. There are so many peer pressures and many adults are wary of a large group of them together.
Friday Night Youth fills an important role in Dinas Powys on a Friday Night, when many youngsters, many of whom have little or no connection with Bethesda, drop in between 7.30pm-9.00pm.
Some play football, computer games, snooker, others chat, and generally 'hang out'
Our Youth Leaders have years of experience in working with this age's never easy, but they do make a difference!
Our aim is that this age group will see that Christianity does have a meaning, and that they need Jesus in their lives today.