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BLAST - Sunday 11am & Friday Eve  (School YR5 - YR7)

BLAST - Bethesda Learning and Sharing Together

BLAST is for children that are in School Years 5 to 7 and they meet each Sunday morning at 11am and also on a Friday evening at 6.15pm.

On Sunday 11am, during the middle of the All Age Worship service that starts at 11 o'clock, BLAST will go to a separate classroom environment where they meet, hang-out and learn explore the bible and learn more about Jesus. This usually finishes around 12:15pm

On Friday 6.00pm - 7.15pm 

Friday night Blast runs term time for school years 5-7 from 6.00-7:15p.m.

Each week we bring you a variety of organised games in the gym and there is also an opportunity to do a craft. We also have a 10-15minute God slot where we look at a variety of interesting topics to help and encourage you. Every week is different and there is never a dull moment!

Our ever popular tuck shop serves a selection of sweets, crisps, chocolate
and drinks. 
In addition we have regular events throughout the year that include potted
sports, film nights, pizza and cupcake making, treasure hunts, BBQs and
much, much more.


All leaders are DBS-checked and the church has a comprehensive
safeguarding policy which parents can request a copy of.


Vicky Pici currently coordinates the Blast team.

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TEL: 02920 512665

© Bethesda Chapel 2023

UK Registered Charity Number 1146153

Bank details: Sort Code  30-96-91

Account: Bethesda Chapel  Number: 00636340

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