Child Dedication in Bethesda
As a Church we believe that "children are a gift from the Lord" (Psalm 127 v 3 NLT)
In the Bible (Matthew Ch.19 v14), Jesus instructs the disciples to "let the little children come to me and do not hinder them" (NIV) and so we are delighted whenever parents both from the church and our community bring their children for dedication.
In bringing their children, parents are making a public declaration before God, their Church and their Family. The service provides an opportunity to express their gratitude to God for their precious child (children) and their desire to lead and spiritually nurture them in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, so that their child will develop a desire to love God and others.
What is the Bible basis for dedication?
Unlike Communion and Baptism, there is no direct biblical instruction to dedicate children to the Lord. However, as an act of worship, thanksgiving, dependence, trust and commitment, the principle of presenting children before the Lord is found throughout the Bible.
So what can you expect to take place during the dedication service?
The dedication/thanksgiving would normally take place during the Family Service on a Sunday morning, witnessed by the whole Church Family together with visitors to this special occasion.
During the service the parents will be invited to bring the child being dedicated and any siblings to the front of the Church. As well as introducing the child to the congregation, the parents will be asked to make vows, typically affirming the following:
"So that (CHILD) may walk in the abundant life that Christ offers, to provide (CHILD) a Christian home of love and peace, to raise (CHILD) in the truth of our Lord's instruction and discipline and to encourage (CHILD) to one day trust Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord"
The congregation will also be invited to commit to helping the parents to raise the family in a Godly way. Whilst we don't use the phrase 'God parent' in Bethesda, we do welcome friends or family members to commit to praying and being a help to the child and family.
Who will lead the Service?
The person leading both the Family Service and Dedication will be decided as a result of a conversation between the Elders of Bethesda and the parents bringing their child for dedication
Would like to discuss further? Next step?
Please do get in touch with us to arrange a meeting! We would love to see you!