Sun Morning Youth + Fri Night Youth (School YR8 and above)
Sunday Morning Youth + Friday Evening Youth!
"Sunday Morning Youth" is exactly that.....a Sunday morning group for young people aged 12+ (Years 8 & above) at Bethesda.
On Sunday 11am, during the middle of the All Age Worship service that starts at 11 o'clock, Sunday Morning Youth will go to a separate classroom environment where they meet, hang-out and learn explore the bible and learn more about Jesus. This usually finishes around 12:15pm The aim of Sunday Morning Youth (SMY) is to provide young people with an opportunity to study the Bible and to discuss relevant topics in their life. It’s also a good way to meet friends and get to know more about God. We give the young people the opportunity to ask questions on a variety of topics they feel is important to them. The Bible studies, that follow the main teaching of the rest of the Church, are fun and interactive, and encourage the young people to take part and ask important questions about life.
On Friday FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH: For School Years 8-11 from 7.30pm to 9.00pm: Being young is hard today. There are so many peer pressures and many adults are wary of a large group of them together.​Friday Night Youth fills an important role in Dinas Powys on a Friday Night, when many youngsters, many of whom have little or no connection with Bethesda, drop in between 7.30pm - 9.00pm.
Some play football, computer games, snooker, others chat, and generally 'hang out'
Our Youth Leaders have years of experience in working with this age range...it's never easy, but they do make a difference!
Our aim is that this age group will see that Christianity does have a meaning, and that they need Jesus in their lives today.