COVID-19: Bethesda Chapel Response
During Covid-19 Pandemic we have followed Senedd guidelines as a minimum for the use of the building at Bethesda. Our priority has been to protect the health and welfare of our Members and other others who are associated with Bethesda.
As a result we currently conduct our Sunday services and mid-week activities by enabling limited attendance in person at Bethesda, where we continue to observe the requirement for appropriate social distance and the wearing of face masks to minimise COVID risk. Where possible we also enable viewing of services via on-line technology.
We look forward to the guidelines enabling us to reduce restrictions, but in the meantime safety remains our overriding consideration
How will Bethesda Members and Friends be able to keep in touch for worship and fellowship during closure of the building?
We are embracing available technology by conducting a range of both Sunday and Mid-week services and activities on-line via Facebook and /or Zoom, for which there is also a telephone dial in facility for those not familiar with computers! Please see details on the home page and also under the media section of this web site.
Who can I contact if I need to speak to someone from Bethesda?
Please use the Contact Us section on the home page (top right) or phone Roger Newberry, (one of the Church Leaders), on 02920 512665
Can Funerals or Wedding Services take place at Bethesda?
The Leadership Team will consider a funeral or wedding service taking place at Bethesda If you would like to speak to one of the leadership at Bethesda for discussion, prayer or support, please do contact us.
Will Bethesda be open for Foodbank each week?
Yes, subject to Senedd and Foodbank guidelines permitting.
If you need a Foodbank voucher please find contact details by going to Vale Foodbank.
If you would like to make a donation of food or money to your local Foodbank please go to Donate to Foodbank You may also find more information about Vale Foodbank on Facebook